What sharks could tell us if we listened
Sharks have existed on this planet since before dinosaurs. They are masters of choose or die. There have been several events in the world killing off all dinosaurs but not the sharks. They are still here. They have a total willingness to be aware of what is required and do and be whatever that is.
Sharks are the Wolfs of the Sea - they keep the whole ecosystem of the oceans in balance. From eating the weak and injured fishes, to keeping midlevel predators in check, to aiding the environment to stay healthy so plants, corals and simpler lifeforms can live and grow. They are the guardians and stewards of the sea.
Sharks are aggressively present and unapologetically Being what they are. Not aggressive as in attacking but being so intensely present they intimidate people.
They have other senses than humans they use to be aware of everything going on around them. They pick up changes in the electrical field around them and hear fishes distress signal sent out before they die so the sharks can come and eat them.
They have capacities that totally superceeds human abilities of slowing metabolism and breathing down.
Some sharks totally superceeds their expected lifespan. One female Greenland shark were estimated to have lived up to 392 years.
They always move, always in motion with no stagnation, no automatic living. Can you imagine if you never bothered about the past, always were in motion creating and choosing constantly?
The have no judgement.
They constantly receive, keep and send out information with and as the ocean. They are living "libraries" or wisdom keepers for information and ancient lost awareness.
Like the "mother trees" keeping the information in the forest sending it out before they die, sharks also have special wisdom keepers - and they are sending out messages!!!
They have a much higher purpose and dignity than we ever imagined or wanted to be aware of...
If we were truly as smart as we like to think we are we would care deeply, have immense gratitude and could learn so much from sharks.
- To be the stewards of the earth
- To never stop.
- To change or die, change is the natural state of life and living.
- To be intensely present
- To Be unapolegetically You
- To be willing to be aware of everything around us and choose for both us and the greater good
- To be and choose without judgement
And so much more that surpass our logic today, what do You know about sharks?
1. Never stop
Most sharks literally can’t stand still or they die. They have to move to breathe.
So translate that to human/humanoids it becomes more like: always be on the move, never stagnate or you start dying.
Be willing to walk on quicksand always changing and choosing. Stagnation leads to solidification - leads to concrete block - leads to death or deteriorating everything.
2. Not the killer - but We kill Them
Sharks eat or attack humans so we make them wrong and call them monsters and project all that viscousness on them. We have labelled them apex predators, apex predator also known as an alpha predator or apical predator is a predator residing at the top of a food chain upon which no other creatures prey.
But if we look from the sharks point of view - humans kill far more sharks than they kill people. We kill them not even to survive, just for their fins for soup or out of a crazy point of view that they are monsters. Humans kill more than 100 million sharks each year.
Thousands of people bath and swim snorkel and surf every year and still only an average of 30 to 50 shark attacks is reported each year.
Only 5 to 10 prove to be fatal. This proves that shark do not eat people. If they did, there would be hundreds of people dying every month – which does not happen.
3. Picky eaters
Sharks actually require a lot of fat and a lot of them they are very picky eaters. They can take just one bite and then decide if that will satisfy their nutritional needs. If it won't the shark won't eat it. We could all benefit from learning from that.
What are You eating that does not serve your body? And wait don’t get to conclusions - just ask and see, trust your body and ask it to show you what it requires in a way you can understand it.
4. Sharks - the Last dragons
Sharks have been on our oceans for over 400 million years. Some of the earliest sharks were discovered dating back to the Devonian age. They have survived 5 massive planet extinction events. These extinction events killed most life on earth. The last one around 65 million yeas ago killed the dinosaurs. But not sharks.
They were here to stay.
What do they know of adapting to change that we don’t? What awareness do they have of change that we have totally cut off or never embraced? It’s almost like they are the last visible Dragons.
I wonder what they could tell us about the earth and the ocean if we would only receive it? They have been here so long, like guardians of the oceans. Without hesitating we are close to extinction for several of them when we should really honor them. I wonder what they could tell us about living in communion with the earth, including the oceans, and of sunken treasures all over the ocean?
5. Sharks are The wolfs of the sea
Sharks respond to a sound known as a “yummy hum.” It’s not an actual hum, though. It’s an infrasonic sound (one that’s too low for humans to hear) that injured fish make, drawing sharks to an easy meal.
I find this fact very interesting it’s a divine communion with what works for all. The fish emitting the signal - "here eat me" and the shark being willing to ”tidy up” the ocean and eat what is sick, injured or weak.
Sharks are The wolfs of the sea - compare to findings in national park where the eco system changed due to wolfs being introduced.
One thing we Do know is how important sharks are to ocean ecosystems, where they keep populations of midlevel predators in check; when they disappear, changes can ripple through the food web and even affect the presence of marine plants, studies have shown.
6. The magical shark skin
There is at least one thing we HAVE learned from sharks.. A shark’s tooth-shaped skin, called denticles, allow it to move swiftly through the water without collecting barnacles and algae deposits on the skin.
In 2005, engineers successfully mimicked the pattern of scales, creating a bacteria-resistant coating. What brilliance in development.
I wonder what else we could study and learn?
7. More senses than humans
Sharks can use heartbeats to track their prey. Sharks have nodules on their noses about the size of a pimple, called ampullae of Lorenzini. These nodules sense electricity, so the electrical pulses that come from a beating heart can act like a beacon for nearby sharks.
Sharks actually have more senses than humans, they also detect shifts in the electrical field in the water.
8. Eating habits
Human beings can last around 30 days without eating before their internal system collapses. Sharks on the other hand are estimated to fast about 6 weeks every year. Also, the record for a shark’ starvation is over 15 months.
Given that their system works different than humans I still wonder how much importance and significance we give to food and eating? What if there were some individuals even among humans that didn’t need as much food as we are supposed to? What if also some humans, if they asked their bodies, could go for days or weeks even with very little food - what other sources of nourishment are there?
9. Breaking the myths of lifespan?
In August 2016, researchers estimated a five-metre-long female Greenland shark had lived for 392 years, making it the longest-lived vertebrate. The mammalian lifespan record belongs to a bowhead whale, thought to have reached the grand old age of 211.
What secrets do they know and be?
What secrets do the ocean hold that we have totally disregarded.
10. Living without oxygen - a mystery that might aid heart attack and stroke patients
There is a spices of sharks called the epaulette, that has been discovered and studied by Dr Renshaw, from Griffith University in Australia, who can survive without or with very little oxygen for long periods of time. She believes that this discovery might help the treatment of heart attack or stroke patients. The epaulettes live in shallow tropical waters that are regularly cut off from the sea which leaves it in puddles with very low oxygen. They slow down their breathing and heart rate and switch-off all non essential brain functions and can still hunt, feed and even walk between pools using it’s fins. When the oxygenated waters return they switch back to normal completely unharmed.
What do You know that no one else on the planet knows?
Did you ever get those pestering messages that keep waking you up until you finally surrender, go up and write it down? Only to find it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. My latest "important" nonsense message that kept me waking up until I wrote it down:
"There is no certainty to why the sharks stop communicating with humans"
My initial thought was eeeehhhh what??? So we don't know for sure why? OK.
When DID they communicate with us? And it got me wondering more and more - what could sharks tell us? What do they know and Be that we could receive?
And then I started asking: What if I Did receive? What could I learn?
How many messages are You discarding that is trying to gift and contribute to You, your life and the world? What if You were the only one listening?
What message can You bring to the world that only You can?
Will You start listening - even if it at first it doesn’t seem to make sense?
14 july 2017 is Shark awareness day
Resources for facts
http://www.sharkguardian.org/shark-facts-top-100-shark-guardian/ http://www.sharksider.com/10-weird-facts-sharks/
Other links
sharks more valuable alive: http://usa.oceana.org/SharkEconomics?_ga=2.268615794.268927846.1493798570-1167081364.1493798513
adopt a shark: https://gift.oceana.org/catalog/shark?_ga=2.213078160.589111563.1493798850-1167081364.1493798513
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